NLP, clinical hypnotherapy & coaching
“Change the way you think, changes how you feel, changes what you’re capable of doing” - Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP
In my sessions I use a combination of NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Coaching, individually tailored to what you specifically need and want to change.
Some clients only need 1-2 sessions, some chose to see me on a more regular basis.
performance = (potential) - (interference)
Imagine you’re setting out on a road trip to a destination you’ve always wanted to reach, even if you’re not sure where it is. I will be like the experienced navigator, the co-pilot, sitting beside you; I won’t drive the car for you but I will read the map, find the potholes, support and guide you as we find and reach your ultimate destination.
I will help you identify where you want to be and what might be holding you back from reaching your full potential so you can be your best you.
stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is an approach that focuses on the connection between how we feel, affects how think, which affects how we behave, which affects how we feel…. It’s all about how our Neuro (nervous system), our Linguistic (verbal and non-verbal language, to ourselves and others) and our Programming (patterns of behaviour) are all so interconnected.
helps focus our attention and turn off any ‘background chatter’ - absolutely nothing at all to do with suddenly walking around like a chicken or speaking fluent Russian! Just like getting ‘lost’ in a good book or film, hypnotherapy will help you deeply focus on exactly what it is you want to achieve and change.
is a conversation - an empowering and inspiring conversation focused on working together to help you find and deliver the change you want. You know yourself better than anyone else does so I will help you rediscover that ‘real you’ and look at things with a different perspective and understanding.
If we can become more aware of how our mind and body work, what we’re saying and how we’re behaving, we have an incredible opportunity to make the lasting change we want - quickly and easily - no matter what is going on around us.