About me
A country girl at heart having grown up in the Lakes, the draw of rural life was too great after 16 years of living and working in London as a Director of an events company. I now live in beautiful Rutland with my husband and two children and our varying sized menagerie.
I have always loved helping people - I am that friend who’s always there, all ears, no matter what - and am loving this career that helps me do just that for everyone, from toddlers upwards.
Seeing the immediate difference in the children and adults I work with is incredibly fulfilling. I will never forget how my very first client, who was so very desperate to abseil but petrified of heights, literally threw themselves into a ‘leap of faith’ while on a school residential - and that still makes me so proud!
My children have traditionally found it hard to talk about exactly how they are feeling and I think that is the case for not only a lot of young people but also most adults. If we don’t know what it is we are feeling, how can we describe it, talk about it, spot it, resolve it?
Initially I discovered the STILL Method after my son had a lot of ‘sore tummies’ going into primary school. I could see he didn’t particularly want to talk about it, or perhaps he just didn’t have the words; what he needed was something to help himself navigate his own way through the school day and it made such a difference to him I just had to train to become a STILL coach.
Once my children were heading to secondary school I decided to broaden my knowledge and expertise. Knowing the transformational effect NLP has had on close friends (for example, with ME/CFS) and given the STILL Method uses elements of it, it felt like the perfect fit.
NLP, Hypnotherapy and Coaching has transformed so many areas of my own life and I find the way our mind and body interconnect hugely fascinating.
It has been a revelation just how quickly and easily positive change can be made - be that with a STILL programme or with a session of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Coaching.
Advanced Master Practitioner in NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Coaching (Dip Adv Clin Hyp NLP Coach) from the Phil Parker Training Institute
Accredited STILL Method Coach
Professional member of the ANLP (Association for NLP) and BIH (British Institute of Hypnotherapy)
NSPCC Child Protection and Safeguarding
Regular CPD and supervision
Enhanced DBS Check
GDPR Registered
Fully insured